Tuesday, February 18, 2025 |

Youth Scholarships

Through the generosity of Temple Beth Am families, scholarships are available to assist our Temple youth attending Jewish camps, participating in NFTY leadership institutes, traveling to Israel, and supporting college and university studies.

Please contact Sue Siegel, VP Finance, for more information.


Download application as a PDF


David Mindess Scholarship Fund
High School graduating seniors who are children of temple members in good standing are eligible to apply for a one-year $300 college scholarship offered by the temple.  This fund honors the memory of a beloved educator and former chairman of the Temple’s Religious School Committee.  Applications will be judged on class standing and outside activities.

Gail H. Constant Memorial Scholarship Fund
The purpose of the fund is to provide an opportunity to award a $500 scholarship, on an annual basis to a deserving graduating senior in the TBA High School. The senior must be a member of a family in good standing with TBA and planning a study of art/design or fashion marketing. The Scholarship will be funded by the Constant Family 60 days prior to award.  The scholarship will continue until notified by the Constant Family or funds are not received by the 60-day pre-award period.

Mindy Steinberg Memorial Fund
To provide funds to help finance a trip to Israel for a Confirmation class graduate. Any student in the current Confirmation class whose parent is a member in good standing will be eligible. (Any student who has already visited Israel for a month or more should not be considered eligible.) Neither financial need nor length of temple membership will be decisive in the selection process. Through this fund, the temple will set aside $300 for each student, subject to sufficiency of funds. The student will be appraised on the basis of his/her Religious and Hebrew School experience, attitudes, achievements, leadership qualities and intellectual promise. Applications by students should include a self-appraisal, profile of their Jewish identity, and their reasons for wanting to travel and/or study in Israel.

Lloyd Martin Youth Scholarship Fund
The Lloyd Martin Youth Scholarship Fund was established to support activities of Temple Beth Am youth. The fund may be used for activities such as scholarships to college and Israel, youth group and junior youth group events as well as the unique needs of students in the various branches of the school.

Morris Chapman Scholarship Fund
To provide partial and full scholarships to outstanding members of the Temple Beth Am Youth Groups for institutes and/or programs sponsored by N..F.T.Y. or its affiliated organizations. This includes approved summer camp programs and trips to Israel.

Mickey Moffie Scholarship Fund
A college scholarship of $300 is provided to graduating high school youth whose parents are members in good standing and who plan on majoring in business.