Tuesday, February 18, 2025 |


The heart and soul of Temple Beth Am lies in our religious observance. This “minhag” or custom binds us together in times both happy and sad, when we celebrate a holiday or suffer a loss.

TBA is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) and we follow its guidelines in our observance but we add the input of all of our members, who come from many different backgrounds, to make TBA one-of-a-kind. TBA is a family that shares its religious experiences together. We have an active Worship Committee that is always looking for new members with new ideas to help keep worship at TBA vital and fulfilling.

Services can be viewed virtually via zoom. Contact the Temple Beth Am office for the link and password.

Shabbat – Services cover a wide range of styles, so that there is something to please most every congregant. There are mostly musical services, school-led services, traditional services, outdoor services in the summer, etc. In addition to Kabbalat Shabbat services on Friday nights, we offer minyan services every Saturday morning. We participate and we sing! We join together in song, our voices lifting our prayers!

Shabbat Hall’lu – Once a month is Shabbat Hall’lu, a lively service with our special Shabbat Hall’lu musicians and our choir.

Tot Shabbat – For families with young children ages newborn to seven, we offer Tot Shabbat Services on Friday evenings 5:15-5:45 p.m. followed by pizza dinner. Our clergy welcome Shabbat with blessings, music and a story.

High Holy Days – TBA offers services on both days of Rosh Hashanah. The first day is traditional led by our clergy with our volunteer choir participating with piano accompaniment.  The second day is led by our members. Teens are welcome to join the services with their parents.  We offer a children’s service on each of the holidays.

Holidays – TBA provides appropriate services for every Jewish holiday. We build a sukkah on Sukkot, our kids decorate it, and we have a dinner inside. We parade our Torah scrolls around our sanctuary on Simchat Torah to the accompaniment of waving flags, prayer and songs. We have a Chanukah Party, a Purim Spiel and a community-wide Passover Seder. On Shavuot, we honor the day with a beautiful Confirmation Service. Worship at TBA will become a part of your family tradition.