Tuesday, February 18, 2025 |

Ways to Give

Donations to Temple Beth Am are gratefully accepted as a form of Tzedakah to help all areas of the temple.

Donations can be a meaningful way to congratulate friends on simchahs or show you care in time of sorrow. When you make a gift for a special purpose such as honoring a happy occasion, offering appreciation or good wishes, or remembering a deceased friend or relative, your gift is acknowledged in our monthly TeBeam newsletter.

Click to: Make a Secure Donation Online

Alternatively you can send a check payable to Temple Beth Am and mail to:

Temple Beth Am
300 Pleasant Street
Framingham, MA 01701

All donations are tax deductible. For more assistance, you may contact the Temple office at 508-872-8300.

When you donate, you may designate that your gift goes to one or more of the Temple Beth Am funds listed below.

Temple Beth Am Funds

Beth Lurier Charitable Fund

To provide immediate financial assistance to families in the greater Framingham area, who through sickness, accident or other personal tragedy, find themselves unable to respond to their financial obligations or needs.

Music Enrichment Fund

To provide funds for the purchase of special materials and equipment for the choirs and all Temple music.

David Mindess Scholarship Fund

High School graduating seniors who are children of temple members in good standing are eligible to apply for a one-year $300 college scholarship offered by the temple.  This fund honors the memory of a beloved educator and former chairman of the Temple’s Religious School Committee.  Applications will be judged on class standing and outside activities.

Gan Ha’Am, The Garden of the People Fund 

To provide funds for the continued maintenance and beautification of our temple garden.

Gail H. Constant Memorial Scholarship Fund

The purpose of the fund is to provide an opportunity to award a $500 scholarship, on an annual basis to a deserving graduating senior in the TBA High School. The senior must be a member of a family in good standing with TBA and planning a study of art/design or fashion marketing. The Scholarship will be funded by the Constant Family 60 days prior to award.  The scholarship will continue until notified by the Constant Family or funds are not received by the 60-day pre-award period.

Gerald P. Bonder Memorial Fund

To provide funds to enhance and maintain primarily the religious school classrooms and other interior areas of the temple. Gerald Bonder was a past temple president and a long time member of Temple Beth Am.

Building Fund

The temple Building Fund serves as the fund to assist with capital campaigns of the physical structure.

Levine Library Fund

Donations to the Levine Library are the sole source of revenue used toward the enlargement of both the children’s and adult’s collection and for a variety of printed Judaica. Minimum donations are $10. For donations of $18 or more, a handsome bookplate – specifically designed for the Levine Library – marking your occasion, will be placed in an appropriate book. All donations are acknowledged on library notepaper.

Max and Joanne Mayer Memorial Fund

To provide funds for speakers or visiting scholars to lecture at Temple Beth Am on issues of importance to Jewish life.

Mindy Steinberg Memorial Fund

To provide funds to help finance a trip to Israel for a Confirmation class graduate. Any student in the current Confirmation class whose parent is a member in good standing will be eligible. (Any student who has already visited Israel for a month or more should not be considered eligible.) Neither financial need nor length of temple membership will be decisive in the selection process. Through this fund, the temple will set aside $300 for each student, subject to sufficiency of funds. The student will be appraised on the basis of his/her Religious and Hebrew School experience, attitudes, achievements, leadership qualities and intellectual promise. Applications by students should include a self-appraisal, profile of their Jewish identity, and their reasons for wanting to travel and/or study in Israel.

Lloyd Martin Youth Scholarship Fund

The Lloyd Martin Youth Scholarship Fund was established to support activities of Temple Beth Am youth. The fund may be used for activities such as scholarships to college and Israel, youth group and junior youth group events as well as the unique needs of students in the various branches of the school.

Morris Chapman Scholarship Fund

To provide partial and full scholarships to outstanding members of the Temple Beth Am Youth Groups for institutes and/or programs sponsored by N..F.T.Y. or its affiliated organizations. This includes approved summer camp programs and trips to Israel.

Mickey Moffie Scholarship Fund

A college scholarship of $300 is provided to graduating high school youth whose parents are members in good standing and who plan on majoring in business.

Prayerbook Fund

To provide funds for the purchase of new and/or additional prayer books. A donation of the price of a new book merits a bookplate in the donor’s name. Cost of a prayer book is $54.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

All disbursements from this fund are at the discretion of the Rabbi.

Rabbi Emeritus Good Works Fund

The purpose of the fund is to provide an opportunity to recognize the Rabbi Emeritus for his/her good work performed in the community. All disbursements from this Fund are at the discretion of the Rabbi Emeritus and are to be made primarily to provide for community members in financial need and to enhance and maintain Temple Beth Am. All funds disbursed must be made in the name of the Fund – the “Temple Beth Am-Rabbi Emeritus Good Works Fund”.

Rabbi Alfred L. Friedman Passport to Israel Fund

Passport to Israel is a program that promotes the travel of young people to Israel through long-range planning. Each year, beginning in the 3rd grade, enrolled students’ parents contribute $100 to an escrow bearing account. This $100 (donation for seven years) is also matched by Temple Beth Am each year, and C.J.P. matches the $700 at the end of the seven-year period.

Sanctuary Fund

To provide funds to repair/replace furnishings in the sanctuary or related to the sanctuary and/or to beautify the temple. Disbursement of funds not to exceed $1,000 without a board of trustee approval.

Mitchell S. Schecter Scholarship Fund

The purpose of this fund is to provide for a partial or full scholarship for eligible Temple Beth Am religious school students so that they may participate in an annual educational trip which is to either Washington D.C. or New York City.

Temple Beth Am Religious School Fund

The School Committee of the Temple Beth Am Religious School has established the Temple Beth Am Religious School Fund. The purpose of this fund is to enhance and enrich the learning experience for students of our religious school. Monies in the fund shall be used to help provide programs, materials and supplies to the classes. This fund is also for the teachers of the Religious School at Temple Beth Am to assist the students’ learning in creative ways. This fund can be used to help the teachers purchase items not commonly bought as part of the curriculum.

Torah Fund

The Torah Fund has been established to ensure the ongoing proper care of our Torah scrolls, their environment and the purchase of sacred scriptures. The fund’s disbursements will be overseen by the clergy and the board of trustees.

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund

All disbursements from this fund are at the discretion of the Cantor.

Technology Support Fund

Funds are to be used to purchase, maintain, and upgrade all forms of technology at Temple Beth Am, or for other purposes as recommended to the President and deemed necessary by the President. Initiated by his family in honor of the 80th birthday of Bill Rabkin, who has devoted time, knowledge and energy to the improvement of technology at Temple Beth Am.